Sunday, November 16, 2008

fourth observation

A huge population of Roiterfiras were found. In quiet waters Haltaria which was in the phylum of Ciliophora known as ciliates. In the class of Spirotrichia(spirochs) in the genus of Halteria. Hordes of these bouncing ciliates were found annual water cultures. Microannelids such as Chaetogaster, Stylaria, and Tubifex were possibly found (Guide to Microlife pg.21, 167-09). Actrinosphaerium from pond weeds. Inside is a large central object which is a food vacuole with two smaller meals that are digested in it. The basic description of an Actinopoda is that it is 70-80 um in the phylum Actinopoda and genus Actinosphaerium. It's star shaped with a very small membrane-like compound (Guides to Microlife pg. 82). I also noticed that activity in the aquarium improved with its network or micro plants and organisms.

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