Sunday, November 9, 2008

part 3 obs.

The third observation featured not much activity with less movement. Though new types of Ritoferas were found like the genus Ritofera (pg.179-193 Guides to Microlife). Microoganisms were moving very fast around which made them hard to identify. I found that dead plants like algae cluttered in most areas which in this case were Diatoms from the phylum bacillariophyta in patches. I found flagelates Phacus(pg. 67 Guides to Microlife-Kenneth G. Rainis, Brues Russell). Speaking of microorganisms they were moving diagonally. To find the organisms was hard like the thread-like worm Nematoda or Nematodes because it was moving around and hid (pg230-233 Guides to Microlife'''). An Urocentrum which moved in a circular mannerwas found as well ( pg167, Fresh Living Freshwater Protozoa:a colour guide/ D.J. Patterson).

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